Good and bad behavior in the park

Parks in Tokyo are full of life. Families with children, young couples, and the elderly all enjoy the quiet green splendor. Signs explaining prohibited behavior set a strong message. Thou shalt have fun, safely!

Funny Japanese Street Signs 面白い道路標識

Parks in Tokyo are full of life on the weekends. Families with children, young couples, and the elderly all enjoy the quiet green splendor. Consider Rinshinomori Park 林試の森公園…even the tortoise is happy to be out and about:

Or the autumnal bliss of Ikuta Ryokuchi Park 生田緑地 in suburban Kawasaki (near Mukogaokayuen Station 向ヶ丘遊園駅, just 22 minutes from Shinjuku via the Odakyu Line). These scenes are from the top of the park, home to an observation platform, and former site of Mount Masugata Castle 枡形城址.

Threatening these tranquil scenes is the constant threat of chaos and unrest. Which is why parks in Japan have signs prohibiting unsavory behaviors, including:

1. No loud noise. Generally depicted by a child lighting firecrackers; also by a woman or man in bed, trying to sleep. Here are a few examples (see prior post).

2. Do not remove the trees or flowers. 木や花を取らないで大切にしましょう

In the following examples, I wonder what artistic and practical considerations led to the varying number of…

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